Book Reviews
Jan. 2014
My Book, When Disaster Strikes Schools: Document of Teachers and Children in the Catastrophe 11. 3. 2011, was reviewed by Eisuke YAMAMOTO Ph.D..
I wrote a review of the Japanese philosopher Ichiro MORI's book, Ueber den Tod hinaus : Eine Moeglichkeit der Philosophie nach dem 11. 3. 2011.
in Annals of Existential Thought : Way, Body-Spirit, Practice, No.ⅩⅩⅨ.
* 拙書『学校を災害が襲うとき―教師たちの3・11―』春秋社(2012年刊)を、気鋭のハイデガー研究者、山本英輔金沢大学教授が書評してくださいました。
* 同論集には、私も書評を書かせてもらいました。日本を代表する現象学・実存哲学研究者、森一郎東北大学教授の『死を超えるもの―3・11以後の哲学の可能性―』東京大学出版会(2013年刊)への書評です。
New Article
A New Article with Rodger E. Broomé Ph.D.will be coming soon
in the Journal, Phenomenology of Learning and Teaching, vol.16 in Feb. 2015.
Title : "The lived-Experience of Police Vehicle Pursuit:A Descriptive Phenomenologcal Psychological Inquiry"
Language : Japanese
The collaboration with Dr. Broomé was very fruitful.
He is a phenomenological psychologist in Utah Valley University.
About him, please see the Link "SelectedWorks of Rodger E. Broome".
The spirit of a phenomenological human science is embodied in his works.
A crisis of the life or the world is the beginning of the phenomenology, I think so and remenber it through his works.
I'm so happy to encounter Dr. Broomé and to become a friend with him.
Presentations 学会発表 :
14. Sep. 2014 :
57th. Philosophy of Education Society of Japan @Japan Women's University
TITEL : Phenomenological Approach 【HandoutPDF】
11. Oct. 2014 :
50th. NASEM@University of Hiroshima
TITEL : Phenomenological Approach : To Describe the Atmosphere and Light in the Classroom 【HandoutPDF】
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