The 3rd UN World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction in Sendai Comming Soon!
東日本大震災での宮城県における学校被害を、ヴィジュアル的に直観できるコンテンツ「リアスター(Reaster)」を、Google Earthという巨人の肩の上に構築しました。学校被害に関するミクロ-マクロの多様なデータに、質的-量的に自由にアクセスできます。期間中、ブースにて操作・閲覧できます。
I will give a short pesentation of the school disaster in the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami on 11. Mar. 2011.
I and my colleague scientist have constructed the content named "Reaster" on Google Earth.
You can touch and see the Reaster for the period at Sendai Mediatheque 5th floor.
You will be able to access variouse data, documents, photos and movies of the school disaster in Miyagi prefecture on the Reaster.
*第3回国連防災世界会議 宮城教育大学HP
*Office of Miyagi University of Education for U.N. World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction
*第3回国連防災世界会議 仙台市実行委員会
*Sendai Committee for The UN World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction