The Conference for the Next Generations after the Disaster in 2011
The 3rd. Lesson, “The Search and Life-saving”
* 講師1:柴崎智和さん(若林消防団 六郷分団)「行方不明者捜索の現場」
* Tomokazu Shibasaki, a non-technical fire fighter, “The Search for the Missing after the Tsunami in March 11st. 2011”.
* 講師2:渋谷多佳子さん(石巻赤十字病院 看護師長)「救急救命の最前線」
* Takako Shibuya, a senior nursing officer, “The Front Line of the Emergency Hospital in the Disaster”
* グループディスカッション:
* The Group-discussion
* Tomokazu Shibasaki, a non-technical fire fighter, “The Search for the Missing after the Tsunami in March 11st. 2011”.
* 講師2:渋谷多佳子さん(石巻赤十字病院 看護師長)「救急救命の最前線」
* Takako Shibuya, a senior nursing officer, “The Front Line of the Emergency Hospital in the Disaster”
* グループディスカッション:
* The Group-discussion